Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Life Purpose (Anthill Analogy)

One's prime aim in this mortal world is to find the reason for one's mortality. The purpose of their life. Every individual in this world is here for a specific purpose. A majority of people spend their entire life without knowing their purpose which is very unfortunate. Knowing your purpose and abiding by it grants you not only satisfaction on the personal front but also in a higher sense. The analogy of an anthill is apt here. An anthill is the overall domain which houses hundreds and thousands of ants. Each ant in this domain has its own purpose. This purpose or duty is encoded into the ant's Self/body. A queen ant knows its job to reproduce. The guard ants know their job to protect. The worker ant knows its job to collect food and so on. Human beings are far superior to ants in almost all domains but lose out on this very fact of recognizing their purpose. So the prime question is how to determine your purpose in life? One way is through effective meditation where you allow your inner self to become one with the divine. These terms appear heavy to read but everything happens automatically once you practice effectively and regularly. I don't claim to be successful at it and have a long way to go, but I am getting there. Your Self knows your purpose in life and it is just waiting to bring it to life. It will hint your normal consciousness to understand this purpose and proceed for it provided you give it a chance.

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