Thursday, July 22, 2004


I translated some of the excerpts of THE GITA which I
found on one Hindi newspaper cutout in our house.
Maybe the old tenants left it behind. Ponder over
these interesting observations:

* Why do you worry in vain?, Who (and why in vain) are
you afraid of?, Who has the ability to kill you? The
Spirit is neither born nor does it die.

* Whatever happened, happened for the best, whatever
is happening is happening for the best, whatever will
happen will happen for the best. Don't repent on the
past, don't worry about the future, Be in the present

* What have you lost, that you now cry? What did you
bring with you in the first place that you'll lose?
What have you produced that will get destroyed? You
did not bring anything with you. Whatever you got you
took it from here, whatever you gave you gave it here.
Whatever you got you got it from (this) God.
Whatever you give will do to (this) God. You arrived
empty handed and will leave empty handed. This today
that belongs to you, belonged to someone else
yesterday and will be someone else's tomorrow. You
are engrossed in considering it your own and getting
happy about it. This very happiness is the cause of
your sorrow.

* Change is the rule (law) of nature. That what you
consider death is infact life. You rule over millions
at one moment, and become destitute the other.
Destroy all classifications like yours & mine, big &
small, from your mind. Then everything belongs to you
and you belong to everything else.

* This body is not yours and neither do you belong to
it. It is made of fire, water, wind, earth and sky
and will eventually return to it. The Spirit is
stable. But then, what are you? Devote yourself
completely to God. That is the best support that you
will ever get. The One who recoginzes this support is
freed of all fear, worry and sorrow forever.

* Whatever you do, give it up, to God. With that and
that only will you experience the joy of (freedom
from) life, forever!

1 comment:

Chinmay said...

perhaps it should be - 'What have you produced that will NOT be destroyed?'