Monday, June 23, 2008


I was taught Suryanamaskars when I was a kid. I never liked it. I was told that doing it regularly is beneficial in the long term, but I never understood what long term is. But I did start practicing it (6 reps each day) since around 3-4 years back and have now appreciated its significance. No joint/back/neck pain whatsoever. Now I've ramped it up to 12 reps (as it should be classically!) and am feeling the effect. The entire body feels toned.
I feel one of the main reasons people start exercise and discontinue it soon is because they have to go out of their schedule or routine to accommodate it. Like going to a gym to do exercise is taking time out and traveling. This hampers the routine and results in discontinuity. So it is really important to merge the exercise routine in your daily chores. Its very easy to do it with Suryanamaskars. 12 Suryanamaskars take not more than 10 minutes and can be done just before or after you take a bath on bare flooring.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Post-91 !!

Today we accidentally visited a new restaurant in Koregaon Park called "Post-91".  Accidentally because we turned a wrong lane for the one we planned to go to.  But since Post-91 beckoned, we went in.  As I went in I was intrigued by the name "Post-91".  Why would someone name a restaurant like that?  Has it got to do something with 9/11?  If so, where is the other "1"?  A friend pointed out that an inside page of the menu-card explained the meaning.  The menu-card revealed that "Post-91" really meant post-1991: The period after India embraced liberalization.  The period after she put an end to archaic and absurd ideologies.  The restaurant wanted to celebrate the period following liberalization: resulting in India's unprecedented economic growth over continuous years.   What a novel way to think!  Pune must be the city with the largest restaurant density anywhere in the world.  But if such "thinkers" are behind these restaurants then what the hell?  Lets have more!